Federico Fauli Genius Loci


Federico Fauli Collection




941 x 529 mm



historical period

Contemporary Art

Exhibit Artwork

Artwork Details

Genius Loci has profound implications in place-making, falling within the philosophical branch of phenomenology, intending to identify the set of socio-cultural, architectural and language features that characterize a space or an environment. A transversal term intertwined between man and habits, highlighting the identity of a space, a particular historical-cultural bond that makes it unique and recognizable.

The artwork speculates on languages and iconographies, emphasizing the lack of content, language, or meaning, not simply based on the super-collection and sharing of images: but rather as a part of a social relationship between people that is mediated by images. Driven by a compilation process that visualizes the complexity of the current digital age, resulting in a Physical Memento, highlighting the value of the leftover and at the same time sculpting a reminiscence of specific junctures in time. The project generates and digests forms of Beauty, moving from antiquity to popular culture and questioning the topic of heritage for future generations.

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Artist and Architect blending boundaries between Art and Architecture, between the Digital and the Physical Space. A unique design that speculates on languages and iconographies, experimenting with fabrication techniques and figurative instances to question the faceted nature of spatial representation while researching geometrical abstraction and iconographical gestures among objects and culture.

Using design as a medium to unveil a contextual yet critical and personal language. He has worked at Renzo Piano Building Workshop, Zaha Hadid and BIG, while his works have been exhibited internationally, most recently at both the Venice and Seoul Biennale.

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Federico Fauli Collection